Legal Notes Lifalia - Privilege One

Legal Notice

Terms and conditions of use of the website

The website contains online services and information provided by Prima Lux Srl, with registered office in via C. Foldi n. 6 – 20135 Milan. The VAT number is: IT06212100967. For more information you can contact directly to the following addresses: E-mail: [email protected], telephone (+39) 02 8718 8231. The use of the site is subject to acceptance, by the person accessing it, of the following conditions. If the same are not accepted, we invite those who access not to use it and not to download any material from it.

Limits on the use of the site

The contents of the pages of the site are the property of Prima Lux Srl. All rights reserved to the latter. The contents of the site cannot, in whole or in part, be copied, reproduced, transferred, published and distributed in any way for commercial purposes, without prior written consent. On the other hand, only the storage of the contents of the site on the computer of those who access it or the printing of extracts from the pages of the same is permitted, for exclusive personal use. Even the trademarks, logos and any other distinctive sign that appears on the site, are the property of Prima Lux Srl therefore, the same cannot be used in any way, in any form and in any way without the prior consent written.

Liability limits

In no case Prima Lux Srl is responsible for damages, direct or indirect, that derive from the use of the information contained on the site The information contained therein may be technically inaccurate or contain typographical errors. They may be without notice changed or updated at any time. Likewise, the individual sections of the site can also be improved, modified or deleted at any time and without prior notice.


Prima Lux Srl does not assume any responsibility for information and material contents, made or published by third parties in any way, with respect to which the site has linking links. Anyone who decides to visit linked sites via link at carries out this behavior under his own exclusive responsibility, assuming also the burden of acquiring all the necessary measures against the possible presence of viruses or other elements able to damage or destroy the contents of the computer of those who access the aforementioned linked sites through a link to the site. Linking with other sites does not in any way imply that Prima Lux Srl has sponsorship relations and / or collaboration and / or affiliation with the companies that are owners and / or managers of the aforementioned sites.

Information received

Any material sent to the site by way of example via e-mail or through the World Wide Web pages, will always be considered non-confidential. Prima Lux Srl therefore will not assume any obligations whatsoever with respect to such material and will therefore be free without any limit to reproduce it, use it, reveal it, show it, transform it, even to realize any works derived from it, and distribute it to third parties. In addition, the holder will be free to use all the ideas, concepts, know-how or technical knowledge contained in the related material for any purpose, including among other things the development, production and marketing of products and / or services that contain the same material. In any case, whoever makes available material, implicitly guarantees that the same is publishable and therefore indemnifies Prima Lux Srl from any action, request, claim, request made by third parties in relation to its use.